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ChandraPrabha Vati (Genitourinary Harmony)
ChandraPrabha Vati is a classical and powerful Ayurvedic tonic that…
Gokshuradi Guggulu Tablets
Gokshuradi Guggul is a classical Ayurvedic formula to support optimum…
Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa) Extract Supplement
Punarnava in Sanskrit means “Renewer.” It is a potent lymph,…
Punarnavadi Guggulu
Punarnavadi Guggul supports Urinary, Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, and Immune systems.* It…
Tribulus Terrestris Extract Capsules (Gokshura, Puncture Vine)
Traditionally used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese…
Ayurvedic Supplements for Kidney and Urinary Tract
Kidneys are called Vrikka in Ayurveda and are formed by rakta (blood) and medha dhatu (fat tissue). Vrikka is said to be the source or root for Medovaha Srotas (fat tissue channels). Any disease related to the blood and fat may affect the functioning of the kidneys and an example of this is Prameha or Diabetes.
Kidney and the Doshas: According to Ayurveda, kidney problems happen as a result of an imbalance in the pitta levels in the body.
- The mind and body develop illnesses when the channels of the body are blocked.
- So the disease of these channels can also affect the function of the kidney.
- These channels or doshas responsible for kidney health need to be opened.
- When the Kapha dosha blocks the srotas i.e. Mutravaha Srotas (urinary system/ channels carrying the urine), there is an increase in the vata dosha.
- This can lead to improper production of urine which in turn causes degeneration of the tissues that leads to malfunctioning of the kidneys and eventually damages the kidney.
- Strained and dysfunctional kidneys cannot filter waste and regulate minerals properly.
- High blood pressure and diabetes may manifest in the body, which often takes a toll on kidneys faster.
- If the kidneys are not taken care of, the disease spreads.
Ayurveda suggests manage kidney diseases at the following levels:
- Ahara (diet),
- Vihara (lifestyle) and
- Aushadha (medicines).
Ayurveda uses several safe and effective herbs that help in better functioning of the kidney and even help avoid dialysis. These herbs aim to normalize the doshas and restore kidney functions by strengthening the kidneys.
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies to Flush and Cleanse the Kidney Tract:
Punarnava: This herb contributes to the formation of red blood cells and the purification of blood. This herb regulates, prevents, and fights out among other diseases. This anti-inflammatory herb cleans the channels and rejuvenates the kidney. It is a herbal diuretic and has anti-inflammatory properties. It has pitta and Kapha dosha balancing properties.
Shatavari: Shatavari is a proven ayurvedic herb for kidney treatment. This herb performs cell rejuvenator action in our bodies. A regular intake of Shatavari herb effectively treats kidney failure. It also treats kidney stones. Shatavri also prevents the development of urine crystals.
Daruharidra: This useful herb helps reduce pain and inflammation due to kidney issues. It plays an anti-bacterial role in kidney infections. It has an astringent and bitter taste and balances pitta and Kapha dosha.
Chandraprabha: Chandraprabha is an ancient herb. This Ayurvedic herb contains nourishing qualities. It supports fast healing. Maximum tonics and supplements use the Chandraprabha herb to make supplements and tonics.
Gokshur : (Tribulus Terrestris.) It is also very effective in balancing the 3 doshas. It is also a diuretic herb and is known for its Rasayana properties. It is commonly prescribed for kidney stones and is known to help avoid dialysis. This herb is prepared mainly to remove the renal infection, stress levels, and cure kidney diseases. It is helpful in maintaining blood pressure and improving kidney health.
Kasni: (Cichorium Intybus)This Ayurvedic herb is rich in Vitamin A. Different kinds of kidney disorders can be treated with this Ayurvedic Kaasni Herb. Kasni herb performs anti-inflammatory action helps in preventing and relieving the inflammation in the kidneys. It helps in balancing Kapha and pitta dosha. The seeds of Kasni are very useful in providing relief from the pain of menstruation.
Haritaki: (Terminalia chebula) – Haritaki is one of the constituents of Triphala and is known for its Rasayana or rejuvenating properties. It is a pancharasa (has all five tastes), with the astringent taste predominating. It is Pramehahara Dravyae useful in diabetes and also used in urinary tract infections. It helps release the blockages in the srotas or channels.
Gokharu or puncture vine: Â This is popularly prescribed for Urinary Tract Infections, kidney stones, and many other kidney disorders because it has antiseptic properties and anti-inflammatory properties. This Ayurveda herb is used in Ayurvedic medicine formulations.
Mulethi or licorice: This sweet root is a powerful herb that helps your kidneys function well. Licorice has saponins, flavonoids, xenoestrogens, and chalcones that help contract inflammation, increase immunity, beat bacterial infections, reduce gastric secretions, protect from free radical damage and also provide your body with antioxidants.
Banyan tree bark: Commonly prescribed for urine infections, banyan tree bark is given to patients by Ayurveda practitioners in the form of capsules. This can also help treat pelvic inflammatory infections and vaginitis. All these herbs are used for making remedies to treat kidney and urinary tract problems.
Red Sandalwood: Rakt Chandan or red sandalwood does wonders to improve kidney functioning by relieving serious infections.
Superfoods to ensure healthy kidneys:
Cranberries: Cranberries contain antibiotics in rich quantities. This is why this herb is prevalent in treating UTI and other urinary tract issues. It is a readily available herb that allows remedy preparation to treat kidney problems.
Parsley: One of the best kidney cleansing herbs, parsley is a natural and potent diuretic. It flushes out germs and bacteria from the kidneys.
Celery: The natural diuretic properties of celery aids in the removal of toxins, thereby increasing urination. The essential nutrients not only stimulate the kidneys but also prevent kidney stones and infections.
Ginger: Another potent herb for cleansing the kidneys, it improves digestion, at the same time cleansing kidneys and the liver.
Turmeric: Turmeric has strong cleansing properties which purify the kidneys and the blood. The anti-inflammatory properties prevent and treat kidney infections and inflammation.
Pomegranates or Anar:Â Pomegranate is often prescribed to those who suffer frequently from urinary tract infections and kidney infections. Pomegranates have Vitamin C and antioxidants that could be useful in regulating kidney functions.
Lemon: Its acidic nature and the high level of Vitamin C content in lemons can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. A squeeze of lemon juice on your dishes or drinking lemon juice frequently can help flush out toxins from your body.
Apple: High in fiber and mitigating properties, apples help lessen cholesterol, forestall constipation, protect against coronary illness, and keep your kidneys healthy.
Onion: Low in potassium, onions are best suited for healthy kidneys.
Blueberries: High in nutrition, blueberries have antioxidant compounds, Vitamin C, and fiber that reduces inflammation.
Garlic: Reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol, garlic is ideal to mitigate chronic kidney diseases. It also has antioxidant and anti-clotting properties.
Cabbage: Cabbage is high in Vitamins K and C, high in fiber, and a good source of Vitamin B6 and folic acid, yet it’s low in potassium, making it kidney-friendly.
The kidneys are vital organs that clean out all of the waste in our blood and maintain the balance of ions called electrolytes in our body. The body can function extremely well if the kidneys are in top-notch working condition. With increasing age and other illnesses attacking the body, the kidneys start facing strain and malfunction. Their performance is affected, and they do not work as efficiently as they used to before.
- A healthy diet,
- Drinking adequate water,
- Exercising,
- Keeping obesity in check,
- Refraining from habits like smoking and drinking, are all measures that are excellent for your kidney’s health.