Harmony Veda

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Ashwagandha Root Extract Supplement Capsules

Renowned for vitality and rejuvenation. May support physical endurance, immune,…

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Cardio Power™

Supports well-being by relaxing blood vessels, improving circulation. May support…

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Cardio Power™ Powder

Supports well-being by relaxing blood vessels, improving circulation. May support…

Tribulus Terrestris Extract Capsules (Gokshura, Puncture Vine)

Traditionally used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese…


Ayurvedic Health Supplements for Sports

Even in the Vedic period, people very much relied on physical fitness and strength. They practiced archery and other disciplines, in which they also developed their mental and psychic abilities. Physical strength along with spiritual qualities was a matter of honor and the overall radiance of the personality.Today, Sport has become a natural part of the modern lifestyle and also a major player in the field of world events.

Prakruti (constitution of the body):

Anybody can be an athlete. But once we have proper details about certain physical traits. It becomes easy to select a person for some activity. Accordingly, the human race can be classified into Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and their combinations. These remain unchanged till the death of the individual.

Vata types:

  • For slim people, with fine limbs and fast movements, known in Ayurveda as Vata types, slow, light sports, which keep the body moving continuously for 15 – 20 minutes, are the most appropriate.
  • These include walking, swimming, dancing, and cycling.
  • Vata types should be particularly careful not to overdo sports, and in winter should possibly prefer indoor sports, because they are not so well suited to the cold.

Pitta types:

  • People with moderate to vigorous physique, Pitta types, with good thermostasis, whose heat production is balanced, can tolerate more exercise.
  • Suitable activities include water sports such as swimming and surfing, all sports that are practiced in the open air such as skiing, climbing, cycling, light jogging, and all ball and team sports.

Kapha types:

  • Those who by nature are more solidly built, Kapha types, may often not be very motivated, but they will especially benefit from regular exercise.
  • They may make their sport sessions a little more intense and longer.
  •  Recommended sports: jogging, long-distance running, and rowing.

For all body types, warm-up time is important.

Sports Medicine:

Sports medicine, as a separate medical specialty, has a fairly recent origin. Sports medicine is much more beyond just some muscular strength. It’s function is not only curative and rehabilitative but also preventative, which is the most important one of all. There are many factors – from environmental to physiological and psychological that can lead to injuries to a sportsman. Consequently, sports medicine can encompass a range of specialties; including

  • Cardiology,
  • Pulmonology,
  • Orthopedic surgery,
  • Psychiatry,
  • Exercise physiology,
  • Biomechanics, and
  • Traumatology.

How a medical system, that is more than five thousand years old, can make any contribution in this field:

Therapeutic Ayurveda for the sports person:

It is a routine thing for a sportsperson to have different injuries. Therapeutic Ayurveda will benefit a sports fellow in the following health problems:

  • Knee Injuries and Recovery (knee pain, ACL TeaR, quadriceps tendon inflammation, medial meniscal injury, articular cartilage injuries, ligament injuries, patellar pain, repeated dislocations)
  • Shoulder Injuries (rotator cuff injury, dislocations, inflammation of biceps, shoulder pain, clavicle fracture)
  • Back Injuries (lower back pain, sciatica, lumbago .scoliosis, muscle strain, slip disc)
  • Hip & Thigh Injuries ( groin strain, hip bursitis, hamstring and quadriceps injuries)
  • Ankle & Foot Injuries (plantar fasciitis, heel pain, metatarsal fractures, Achilles pain, broken ankle, sprained ankle)
  • Neck Injuries (neck pain, neck stiffness, restricted movements)
  • Calf & Shin Injuries (calf pain, muscular cramps)
  • Arm & Elbow Injuries(tennis elbow, golfers elbow)
  • Thumb & Wrist Injuries (carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist bursitis, metacarpal fractures)
  • Head injuries
  • Muscular rejuvenation
  • Logical and mind boosters

Ayurvedic Herb Supplements for Sports:

They provide a wide spectrum of benefits, from potent antioxidant capacity to protecting tissues and muscles against free radical damage provoked by intense exercise.


According to research conducted at the Lindenwood University, U.S, Ashwagandha benefitted physical performance and muscle recovery when consumed by the athletic participants of the study—thanks to its antioxidant, anabolic, and anti-inflammatory effect.

Terminalia Arjuna:

This Ayurvedic herb is commonly known by the name Arjuna and is a powerful heart tonic that is commonly used in various Ayurvedic preparations by traditional Ayurvedic practitioners to support cardiovascular health. It is known to increase the energy potential of the body due to the ability to increase the rate of oxygen consumption by cells.


As per a 2012 study, it can help fight off the symptoms of chronic fatigue by boosting the mitochondrial function in the body, i.e., the rate at which the mitochondria present in your cells produced energy for the cells to function. Additionally, it can also solve the problem of decreased stamina due to a hormonal imbalance such as that of the testosterone hormone, or so says a study published in the journal Andrologia.


The Rejuvenating Herb:  Amla is known as a rasayana herb that enhances and restores the process of conservation, transformation and resurgence of the life force. It is one of the key ingredients of the famous Ayurvedic compound Triphala. Amalaki is also the chief ingredient in Chyawanprash.


Also known as holy basil, this plant has more to it than its spiritual and religious significance. According to a study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Tulsi is credited with an ability to enhance your overall physical and mental health as well as stamina, apart from its medicinal properties, of course. It does so by reducing the impact of environmental stressors such as pollution, chemicals, and several infections by strengthening your body. Hence, a leaf a day can keep a lot of problems at bay.


A scientifically-proven memory booster, Brahmi is known for its ability to strengthen your brain, improve hand-eye coordination, help the case of memory problems due to aging, and make one more alert. But, according to a 2012 study, a 300-mg dose of Brahmi every day can also help ward off chronic fatigue by boosting your energy levels and stamina.


Asparagus racemosus or Shatavari translates to “curer of one hundred diseases” and has been hailed in the Vedas for its combined powers as an aphrodisiac as well as a strength and immunity booster — all thanks to a host of antioxidants present in it that equip your body to fight off the oxidative stress due to the harmful free radicals from the environment and thus, strengthens you from within.

Ayurvedic herbs have been mostly overlooked regarding their applications in the performance enhancement field. Recent human clinical trials have revealed the potency of Ashwagandha and Terminalia arjuna extracts in increasing weight training results, cardiovascular risk reduction in exercise, increased lung oxygen capacity, and lower resting blood pressure effects. Hence, Ayurvedic herbs should be re-examined by both consumers and supplement formulators as novel ingredients to include in exercise-based products.

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